4 Main Causes of Project Management Failure
While every project is unique and every team has its own dynamics, there are some common factors that lead to projects failing. So, let’s take a look at them.

Complex and long-term projects sometimes fail to meet expectations and fulfill client needs - as do smaller, more straightforward projects.
While every project is unique and every team has its own dynamics, there are some common factors that lead to projects failing. So, let’s take a look at them.
Unclear Objectives
A project only can be successful when both the project owners and solution providers understand and agree on the desired outcomes. Without clear goals, projects fall off the radar and suffer from the consequences of poor employee engagement.
Questions need to be asked in the discussion stage before the project gets underway:
What are the client's needs?
What results are expected to be delivered?
How long should the project take?
How much will the project cost?
Having clear, measurable and realistic goals simplifies the process and helps you make sure you are on the right path.
Inaccurate time and effort estimate
Simply comparing a project to similar ones completed in the past when trying to establish the cost or length of time involved is a mistake. Each project has its own variables and overlooking small-scale activities or potential cost-cutting approaches can lead to loss of money and time. Accurate time and effort estimation is crucial in any project.
The detailed estimation should include a discussion and validation process. Asking the team to contribute gives individuals ownership and shows them they are involved and their opinion matters. Proper discussion will also help make sure all involved parties are on the same page and well-informed. Making individuals a part of the estimate process will mean they share your goals and will work hard to meet them.
Nothing is certain when estimating a project, but taking account of timelines and planning deliverables will reduce the risk of failure.
Scope Creep
There is always room for improvement, but excessive scope volatility distracts the team.
Make sure you have a clearly defined scope of work before beginning the project. This way, it will be easier to differentiate between a brilliant innovation that takes the project to the next level and a "nice to have" that involves enormous workloads.
Every addition or modification to the deliverable, increases the time and effort involved in achieving it. To prevent additional, unpaid and unplanned work, it’s vital you use a change request communication tool to track deadlines and budgets. Using a tool offers client transparency and also protects both parties.
Lack of Communication
The best way to combat miscommunication is by selecting a simple to use communication tool and making sure it is implemented. Standardizing a communication plan and providing scheduled updates increases project transparency.
Whether you use emailing, text, or chat services for regular communication, pursuing the change request process on a specific channel keeps the scope insight. Keep all documents and discussions in one place to avoid confusion or miscommunication and ensure it is easy to access whenever you need it.
How MaestroCR Helps
MaestroCR is a project management tool developed to support communication and ease the process for project owners, solution providers, and freelancers. Set deadlines and see the status of any project even when working with multiple owners or contractors.
For more details on the range of brilliant features offered by MaestroCR and how to benefit them, sign up free!
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