Unified Front End for Change Requests & Project Management Tools such as Jira, Trello, Asana…
With MaestroCR, all change requests and contractor communications are fully unified and managed centrally. By leveraging a single interface powered by a unified front end, you can easily get rid of a mountain of difficulties related to your change requests and gain a great deal of efficiency. With a single unified platform, single toolset and single dashboard you can streamline your multiple contractor relationships and have much more time to engage with your customers.

Unified Front-End for Change Requests & Project Management Tools such as Jira, Trello, Asana…
As a project manager, you most likely collaborate with multiple solution partners so that you can achieve more together and stay competitive. You are expected to be a master juggler, responsible for keeping several balls in the air as projects progress or your teams grow.
You should get things done efficiently and on time however, the complexities of managing multiple external parties can cause you headaches along the way. The key to success – or the recipe for failure – depends on how you manage multiple projects and multiple parties.
The secret to thriving when managing all your collaborations
Project management is more than speed and coordination (although they are both essential components). Good project management should embrace the elements of powerful change request management. But imagine that one of your customers might be using Jira, the other one Trello and another one Asana. On top of that, you might prefer using Slack for your internal communications. So, how will you juggle it all?
The secret to ensuring your outside collaborations thrive is to manage them all from a centralized platform with a single interface. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have the technology right at your fingertips to manage all your parties on a unified screen and have one single page to see your change requests, projects, and contractors?
Take control of your change request cycles with a unified platform
To succeed you need to manage noise and take control of your contractor communications. You need to integrate your change management cycle with the project management tools that your customers are already using. The key is to do that in a centralized, unified front-end fashion.
MaestroCR makes all this possible. It helps you to deal with multiple projects, multiple contractors and multiple project management systems, with a single tool. From easy change request management to external party communications, the unified platform allows you to optimize collaboration and simplify the change request process and project management. It gives you a unified view of all change request cycles with project management tools such as Jira, Trello & Asana and unifies your project networks.
A single platform, single toolset, and single dashboard
With MaestroCR, all change requests and contractor communications are fully unified and managed centrally. By leveraging a single interface powered by a unified front-end, you can easily avoid a mountain of difficulties related to your change requests and gain a great deal of efficiency. With a single unified platform, single toolset, and single dashboard you can streamline your multiple contractor relationships and have much more time to engage with your customers.
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