Why You Should Digitalize Your Change Request Processes
With a streamlined digital change request management system, all of the essential steps required as part of the process are followed and communications are available for all stakeholders to view. Tasks can be quickly allocated and progress updates provided to the relevant teams.

Why You Should Digitalize Your Change Request Processes
Innovative technology is very powerful when used to its optimum potential. Work processes can be improved in many different ways, from speeding up productivity, to driving down costs. Some companies are hesitant about using new technology that they are not familiar with but after a few weeks they wonder why they didn’t take the step sooner.
One type of process that significantly benefits by being delivered digitally is change request management. When change requests do not follow an efficient process, they can become overly complicated and take a lot more time and resources than are necessary. Some companies are still processing change requests by sending emails backwards and forwards, without any formal structure or deadlines to work to.
Benefits of a digital change request management platform
With a streamlined digital change request management system, all of the essential steps required as part of the process are followed and communications are available for all stakeholders to view. Tasks can be quickly allocated and progress updates provided to the relevant teams. Instead of having long-winded emails that are sent out to all relevant people, where actions may need to be chased if someone does not read the email properly, the system will send reminders for tasks and make it easy for cross-team collaboration.
Typically, a lot of information will be required to make a decision on whether to approve a change request and some of the key factors will be the cost of the change, the benefits that it will deliver and whether resources are available.
Instead of needing to arrange meetings to discuss whether to approve change requests, much of the work can be completed online, from uploading the supporting documents to enabling different people from different business areas to provide insights or opinions. This means that the whole process will be much faster, with instant communications and project updates available.
By being able to set deadlines for tasks or decisions, this will also help the change request to be managed in a timely manner and any risks or potential delays can be recorded within the system to keep all parties informed.
Features of a change request management platform
There are numerous different digital project management solutions available on the market, with MaestroCR being a prime example of the endless possibilities that can be opened through the use of a change request management platform. The main benefits and features include:
- Change request for all projects will be managed from a single platform
- Contractor management from single platform
- Can access extensive change request reports
- Bridge between project owner & contractors
- Easy to Use
- Real-time visibility
- Cross-team collaboration
These are just a few of the biggest benefits that companies are receiving once they start using the Maestro change request platform but the switch over from doing all of the tasks manually, to having a digital, systematic change management process is making life much easier for all concerned.
Getting started with the system is also really easy, with minimal training required to become familiar with the system and all of its capabilities, even people who are not very technology savvy find it really easy to start using MaestroCR.
It also makes the process a lot easier for people who have not been involved in change request processes before because the steps are clearly planned out. Change request processing becomes much slicker and there is less disruption to projects, as all the relevant information regarding the change is stored together in one place, accessible to all parties involved.
Find out more about how MaestroCR can streamline your change request management process.
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